Coaching hat eine klare Denotation; und ist doch wieder so individuell wie der Mensch selbst. Für uns steht bei Coaching das rasche und unkonventionelle Heranführen des coachees an Lösungen, die sie und er benötigen um die gesteckten Ziele leichter und mit mehr Freude erreichen zu können.
Coaching stellt für uns die Königsdisziplin an der Arbeit mit dem Menschen im professionellen Umfeld dar. Im Coaching drückt sich Vertrauen aus.
Beim Coaching suchen wir den richtigen Zugang – den Schlüssel zum Menschen in seiner Gesamtheit und dessen Verbund im sozialen Gefüge. Damit erreichen wir unkonventionelle – teils paradoxe Situationen die den Coachee selbst erkennen lassen worin die Lösungen für dessen Herausforderungen liegen.
Es sind nicht die Ratschläge, die einen Coachee langfristig besser werden lassen – sondern die gelebte Introspektive – die Antennen für die Selbstreflexion. Und damit das Erkennen der Ursachen.
Für uns drückt sich Coaching im richtigen Mix aus inhaltlicher Tiefe, methodologischer Stärke und emotionaler Intelligenz aus. Als Coach suchen wir den richtigen Zugang – verstehen die Coachees und deren Bedarfe und entwickeln gemeinsam mit ihnen einen effektiven Weg um deren Vorhaben umzusetzen.
So bringen wir die Kompetenzen unserer Standbeine zusammen und setzen sie zum vollen Mehrwert unserer Cochees ein.
Für unsere Stärken im Coaching lesen Sie weiter.
Coaching am Individuum
Coaching in der Gruppe
Führungsgespräche - Leadership dialogues
Online coaching
Ähnlich wie auch in unseren Trainings setzen wir in den Zeiten von CoViD auf die digitalen Medien um unseren Kunden weiterhin die gewünschten Inhalte und Leistungen anbieten zu können. Wir machen uns dabei von keinem System abhängig, sondern richten uns nach den Wünschen und Vorgaben der Kunden – um dem coachee die angenehmste und effektivste Form an coaching zu bieten, die es nach dem persönlichen, von gegenseitigem Verständnis geprägten Gespräch geben kann.
Coaching has got a clear denotation; and yet is as individual as we are. Coaching for us means to help our coachees to achieve their goals easier and with more fun, applying unconventional – sometimes paradox interventions.
Coaching is the king’s discipline in personal services with business context – it’s all about mutual trust and appreciation.
We aim to find the right access to our coachees – their personal entrance. To understand them individually and within their social fabric. This way we can apply unconventional – sometimes paradox interventions that help our coachees to become even more aware of themselves and develop their own tools to find solutions to their challenges.
We do not make suggestions. We are no psycho analytics. This is not what helps our clients in the long run. We help them to develop introspection; the ability to know themselves and find answers to their questions; go the the roots and recognize them as such.
It’s the right mix that makes a coach a good coach: Provide sufficient operational background, master methodological tools and concepts and provide emotional intelligence and empathy. We first understand and listen, ask questions and set goals to achieve them short and medium term. We focus on what is relevant for our coachees.
In coaching we combine our competencies and strength from advisory and training. We fully exploit our know-how to help establish the right basis for trust and individual success of our coachees.
Please read more about our service portfolio for coaching.
Individual coaching
Coaching in groups
Leadership dialogues
In our leadership dialogues we facilitate structured, bottom up feedback that is given from subordinates to their managers and executives. Our moderation assures relevant feedback applying simple and effective questions. All feedback is collected and visualized on big moderation walls and fruitful discussion lead to mutual understanding. How you perceive yourself – and how others perceive you are core questions that help you to identify the gaps and blind spots of your interaction with others. Final agreements on future modifications in cooperation with each other will be agreed and serve as a basis to work on business relationships to make cooperation even more effective and enjoyable.
Online coaching
As we offer online training – we also intensify our online coaching services to our customers in times of CoViD. Next to telephone conference based one to one and one to many coaching that we have had in our program so far, we more and more use various options of video conferencing that allow even first contact coaching sessions without prior personal contact. Hereby we are open to any system requirement and preference from our customers – and focus on offering a next-to-personal experience that compensate for open and personal talks as much as possible.